August 3, 2020
Location of Meeting:
Via GoToMeeting
Atendees Present:
Rebecca Compton, Mary Ann Shallcross Smith, Charlene Barbieri, Nancy Beye, Tracy Martin-Turgeon, Ron Smith, and Joseph Tomchak. Deborah Perry, Cherima Foiston, James Hayt, Amy Vogel, Joan Milas, Allison Lighthouse
The meeting of the Childcare Association of BOCA was called to order at 3:35 PM on August 3, 2020 on Go to Meeting by Rebecca Compton.
- DHS is going to end additional funding on August 31 a letter is being put together to go out. This is based on enrollment not attendance. We need this to continue longer.
- Public schools do not have space for additional providers, they do not want to mix schools, you can only have in attendance children from one school and have only one pod. This is going to hinder income in our centers, and we are already struggling with COVID restrictions. This is going to be part of the letter to the state. We need to also include PPE to continue from the state. We struggle with cleaning products, sanitizers, and gloves. Once school opens this will begin to get harder to purchase for our day to day.
- If we can secure space in public schools, will we need to do an additional 500 for another license?
- Who is responsible for cleaning, buses will not transport to childcare? DHS is asking for centers to partner with public schools, but public schools do not want childcare to come into their buildings.
- Children can not attend if they have a runny nose there are also summer virus. COVID probable they are shutting down classrooms. DOH is looking to update this.
- Childcare needs a dedicated line to call in. They are not getting back to facilities right away. Sometimes taking up to a day and half to return calls.
- Probable test is taking up to 10 days to come back. This is a long period of time. We need a faster turnaround. Under 48 hours. It was discussed that 97F. Is normal for temperature. You need to monitor if temperature goes higher.
- Cranston cost up to $150 a test for 24 hours. Not all staff have the income to do this or business.
- Public schools are not getting the same playbook as childcare. They should be like ours. Protocols maybe different this is not going to work.
We have over 100 years of experience and we need to continue to invest in our children, families, and staff. 5 Million is not enough we need to advocate for more.
Email feedback to
I Approval of Agenda
II. Review of Previous Minutes
III. Consideration of Open Issues
IV. Agenda and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Go to Meeting is to be announced September at 3:33 PM
The meeting was adjourned at 430 PM by Rebecca Compton.
Minutes submitted by Tracy Martin-Turgeon
The agenda for the next meeting is as follows:
- Presidents Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Updates on memberships
- School age and long-distance learning