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BOCA News & Updates

Upcoming meetings (Jan – April 2021)

Please register in advance. Anyone interested in the success of child care is invited to join this meeting or submit questions for discussion. RSVP: Monday January 11, 2021, 3:33 – 5:00 pm...

COVID Testing Program for Business

Sharing an email sent from RISCPA/RI Business Forum. Please contact them for details if needed. From: RISCPA/RI Business Forum COVID Tests <>Date: December 28, 2020 at 7:30:59 AM ESTSubject: FREE COVID testing...

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Business Owners in Childcare Association

December 14, 2020 3:33 PM Location of Meeting: Via GotoWebinar Moderators/Board Members: Rebecca Compton, Nancy Beye, Tracy Martin-Turgeon Guest speaker: Nicole ChielloChild Care AdministratorLicensing & Regulations (DHS) View recording

Minutes of the BOCA Virtual Board Meeting

                                                           November 16th, 2020                                                                  3:33 PM Location of Meeting: Via Go to Meeting Members: Rebecca Compton, Maryann Shallcross Smith, Charlene Barbieri, Nancy Beye, Tracy Martin-Turgeon, and Joseph Tomchak The regular meeting...

Minutes of the BOCA Virtual Meeting

August 3, 2020 Location of Meeting: Via GoToMeeting Atendees Present: Rebecca Compton, Mary Ann Shallcross Smith, Charlene Barbieri, Nancy Beye, Tracy Martin-Turgeon, Ron Smith, and Joseph Tomchak. Deborah Perry, Cherima Foiston, James...